Electronic pollution is everywhere – it comes from our Wi-Fi routers, our cellphones, our household appliances, and even the smart meters attached to our homes. You can protect yourself, your family, and your home with a shield that can neutralize this harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Tensor rings are known for healing the body and neutralizing harmful electromagnetic radiation. These energy protection copper rings can structure water, increase food shelf life, and neutralize 5G radiation. Each cubit has specific benefits. Click on the products below to learn more about the emf protection benefits they have.

To learn more about the science behind the rings – why and how they work, click here.

Check out or customer testimonials by clicking here.



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1/4 Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 12 Gauge - (2 Ring Set)
1/4 Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 10 Gauge - (2 Ring Set)
1/2 Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 12 Gauge - (2 Ring Set)
1/2 Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 10 Gauge - (2 Ring Set)
Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 10 Gauge
Lost Cubit - 177MHZ - 10 Gauge
Empowerment Cubit - 188MHZ - 10 Gauge
Sacred 144MHZ, Lost 177MHZ , Empowerment 188MHZ Cubits - 10 Gauge - (3 Ring Set)
*Smart Meter Protection* Sacred Cubit - 144MHZ - 6 Gauge
Lost Cubit - 177MHZ - 6 Gauge
Empowerment Cubit - 188MHZ - 6 Gauge
Sacred 144MHZ, Lost 177MHZ , Empowerment 188MHZ Cubits - 6 Gauge - (3 Ring Set)

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My Story

This is the story that inspired me to start making and selling tensor rings. I wanted to share the gift they brought me with others. Since I have been making my rings, many of my customers have shared similar stories with me that have made my experience expanding my business extremely rewarding!

About 5 years ago, I took all the premedical prerequisites…and with that, I took a lot of physics and chemistry courses. Towards the end of organic chemistry and while I was in biochemistry, I became interested in electromagnetic frequencies / radiation (EMF/EMR) – mostly due to the health issues I was experiencing including, headaches, inability to focus, restlessness, agitation, and most prominently, INSOMNIA.


I was living in an apartment complex at the time and was being bombarded with EMF. The exterior wall of the apartment I lived in happened to be where all the smart meters were located. Beyond that, I was being constantly beamed with at least 20 different people’s Wi-Fi. I was already onto the fact that this radiation was the cause of my health issues when I decided to experiment. I tried staying at other locations with significantly less EMF pollution. Not surprisingly, I would not experience the issues I had at that apartment.

As a result, I began researching, buying, and experimenting with various devices which reportedly combat EMF. I spent thousands of dollars, literally, on every device, pendant, etc. under the sun. Nothing worked for me. I even spent over $1,000 on a Tesla device which I found ineffective and returned. When I thought I had tried everything, nearly to the point of giving up, I came across tensor rings. I had already tried many other things, so I figured, why not?

With VERY low expectations, I decided to make a few. Due to my research and background in chemistry, I understood the potential for how they could work. I was amazed shortly after making them. That night, I slept by the rings and I slept like a baby! Not only that, I felt a great sense of inner peace in my home again and my headaches went away. These rings totally changed my life.

The Science Behind the Rings

What is a Tensor Ring?

A Tensor Ring neutralizes electromagnetic radiation. Is a closed loop coil made of specifically measured and twisted copper wire.

A copper strand has polarity, this means it has a positive and negative end. When crafting a tensor ring, you start with a long strand of copper. This strand is then folded in half. This reverses the polarity of the two strands and leaves you with a positive and negative end on both ends.

Once the ring is cut to the desired cubit, the loop of the ring is then closed. The positive end is then attached to the negative end. What this does is create a microcurrent traveling clockwise AND counterclockwise. These microcurrents continuously collide into each other, flowing in opposite directions, creating a field. This is the field that has been coined, a “Tensor Field.”



Tensor rings are cut to cubits. Cubits are specific measurement lengths that vibrate at a specific frequency. These are ancient measurements that our very ancient ancestors were aware of. They have been used all around the world to build some of the famous ancient structures still standing today (for example, the great pyramid).

What Makes a Cubit Different?

Cubits are very similar to tuning a guitar string. When you get to a certain length and tension with a guitar string, that string vibrates at a specific note. The same is true with cubits and frequencies.

It truly is neat to handle rings of various cubit sizes at once. Most crafters can feel the “ring” that they are producing in their hands and through their fingertips.

How Can They Help Protect You From EMFs?

Tensor rings work to combat EMF/R by producing a frequency that’s harmonious and healing for our bodies. The field the tensor rings produce transmutes the frequency of EMF. These rings should not eliminate EMF, but rather change it into something that is no longer harmful to our bodies. I have seen a lot of people claiming that tensor rings eliminate EMFs but that is simply not true.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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