Tensor Ring | Cubit Specifically for water
Tensor Ring – cubit specifically for water. Earth core resonance – structure water. 8 gauge copper. Measured to 19.65 inches. Same ring size you’ll find online advertised for water. Produces crisp, tasty structured water. Put this ring around your water jug or around shower heads to Structure water.
Soften water naturally by energizing and structuring it!
No need to replace filters! A one time purchase!
This ring produces the frequency deep ground water is exposed to in the earth.
Tensor rings organize water molecules to restore water to its natural crystalline state. Water is the only liquid crystal on the planet. When water passes through our pipes, it is destructured. Water molecules are never traveling in straight lines or right angles in nature. These rings, due to the tensor field they create, energize and reorganize water molecules. It creates charged, living alkaline water. Living alkaline water neutralizes positively charged (which all toxins are positively charged) toxins. -So, the toxins are still in the water, they just are no longer reactive. There has been a lot of research done on structured water. Dr. Gerald Pollack, Viktor Schauberger, Masaru Emoto, and Marcel Vogel are some good places to start if you’re interested in some research!
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